Report on Risks Associated with the Design and Operation of Biogas Systems Is Out

Visual - A biogas plant on a biomethanisation site.

BiogasWorld is pleased to release an updated version of the report Risks Associated with the Design and Operation of Biogas Systems, that presents major risks of projects and analyzes past accidents. More specifically, the report overviews risks associated with biogas plants and discusses risk prevention approaches as well as protection and safety measures.

As a separate section of the report, there is an analysis of past accidents at biogas facilities. Appendix 1 of the report expands on each accident, explaining the cause, consequences and action(s) taken as a result of the incident.

By presenting a collection of notable installation, design, maintenance, and equipment errors, BiogasWorld aims to help biogas project owners and developers to build and operate safe and secure projects and to expand their best practices to eliminate the risks at their biogas facilities before they may arise.

The report is available to BiogasWorld’s members with Business Standard, Business Premium and Project Support Plans via Biogas Community (check out Business Intelligence section under Resources Tab).

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