Biogas from agriculture residue

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  • #39101


    Can you elaborate about biogas generation from agriculture residue such as flax straw, canola straw, oat hulls etc? Is there any plants available that operate in agriculture residue? What are its challenges basically in context of Canada? How Canadian government is promoting these stuff?

  • Ryan updated 8 months, 2 weeks ago 2 Members · 1 Reply
  • Ryan

    10 May 2024 at 12:50 pm

    Biomass that is lignocellulosic (very fibrous) is still considered difficult to digest conventionally. Some facilities add some of these materials to a digester, but not as the primary feedstock. There are a number of companies/researchers developing processes for breaking down these materials, whether a pre-grinding step, or an additive to breakdown cell walls.
    At the moment, the Canadian government promotes these efforts via grants for supporting R&D and ‘next generation’ feedstocks

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